Dr. Mahdi Jampour
in Persian: مهدی چم پور (جم پور)
- AI Principal Investigator at University of Hamburg

- My webpage at Uni-Hamburg
- Editorial board of J.UCS
- Editorial board of IJPRAI
- Popular reviewer for TPAMI, TAFFC, TMM, TIP, EAAI, etc.

Contact: mahdi.jampour [@] uni-hamburg.de,
m_jampour [@] yahoo.com

I'm working on Computer Vision includes object recognition, detection and identification. My focus is now on deep learning and its extensions. I also worked on topics in biometrics which sparked my interest, such: face recognition, fingerprint and iris identification, Signature verification, etc..

I'm interested in developing intelligence systems changing the life easier. I believe that both computer vision and machine learning are two facilities in this way.


Latest News
Multiview Facial Expression Recognition, a Survey
Mahdi Jampour and Malihe Javidi Special congrats and thanks to my colleague, Dr. Malihe Javidi, for her impressive collaboration in our recent research work. Our pap
Advanced Multi-GANs towards near to real Image and Video Colorization
Mahdi Jampour, Mohammad Zare, and Malihe Javidi Special congratulations and thanks to my research team, Dr. Javidi, and Mr. Zare, for their collaboration on our rece
IAUFD: A 100k images dataset for automatic football image/video analysis
Amirhosein Zanganeh, Mahdi Jampour, Kamran Layeghi   Congrats and thanks to Mr. Zanganeh and Dr. Layeghi for their collaboration on our recently published pa

موضوعات آموزشی

How to disable windows 10 update permanently
Do the following steps to disable the window 10 updates forever:   1. Open Run using Win Key + R 2. Write "gpedit.msc" 3. Find the following path: "Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Win ...

گرافیک کامپیوتری و بازی ها
بدون شک یکی از شاخه های بسیار جذاب و فعال حوزه کامپیوتر و گوشی های هوشمند، بازی ها هستند. ترکیب بازی ها با هوش مصنوعی و توسعه بازی های هوشمند امروزه از استقبال کم نظیری برخوردار شده است چنانکه این شاخه به تنهایی سهم قابل توجهی از تراکنش های تجاری در بخش فناوری را در دنیا به خود ...

اسلایدها و محتوای درس طراحی و تحلیل الگوریتم ها
به نام خدا ضمن معرفی مجدد کتاب طراحی و تحلیل الگوریتم ها که توسط اینجانب و آقایان علی ناصراسدی و مجید استیلائی تالیف شده است از اساتید و خوانندگان محترم دعوت میکنیم اسلایدهای مرتبط با مطالب کتاب را از طریق لینک های زیر دریافت و مطالعه بفرمایند. الگوریتم مرتب ساز ...

تصاویر چهره برای تمرین درس پردازش تصویر
به نام خدا در ادامه این تاپیک، 2000 تصویر مثبت و منفی چهره در قالب یک فایل فشرده پیوست شده است. ضمن دانلود، مطابق تمرینی که در کلاس توضیح داده شد از این تصاویر استفاده نمایید. 80% تصاویر برای آموزش و 20% برای آزمایش مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. همچنین برای آشنایی بیش ...

تصاویر مربوط به تمرین های درس پردازش تصویر
به نام خدا به استحضار دانشجویان محترم درس پردازش تصویر می رسانم که تصاویر مورد نیاز برای تمرین های این درس را می توانید از طریق لینک زیر دریافت کنید. تصاویر مربوط به تمرین های پردازش تصویر - 1.7 مگابایت   با تشکر - جم پور

Pairwise Linear Regression: An Efficient and Fast Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition
Multi-view facial expression recognition (MFER) is an active research topic in facial analysis. In fact, not only the accuracy but also time complexity is desirable for real applications. In this paper, we introduce a new fast and robust approach for recognizing facial expressi ...

تشخیص چهره، تشخیص نواحی چهره
به نام خدا مسئله تشخیص چهره یکی از مسائل معروف در حوزه بینایی کامپیوتر است که بیش از دو دهه به آن توجه می شود و همواره بهبودها رو روش های پایدارتری برای تشخیص ناحیه چهره در تصاویر دیجیتالی ارائه شده است. یکی از روش های بسیار کارآمد برای تشخیص چهره و نواحی چهره (اعم از چ ...


Synthetic MSI Images of Georgian Palimpsests (SGP Dataset)
Synthetic MSI Images of Georgian Palimpsests (SGP Dataset) Mahdi Jampour, Hussein Mohammed, and Jost Gippert   This is a dataset of Synthetic MSI Images of Georgian Palimpsests (SGP Dataset). It has been created for the purpose of training inpainting models in order to remov ...

Labeled Faces in the Wild
A database of face photographs designed for studying the problem of unconstrained face recognition. The data set contains more than 13,000 images of faces collected from the web. Each face has been labeled with the name of the person pictured. 1680 of the people pictured have two or more distinct ...

CVonline: Image Databases
CVonline: Image Databases Index by Topic Action Databases Biological/Medical Face Databases Fingerprints General Images General RGBD and depth datasets Hand Grasp, Action and Gesture Databases Image, Video and Shape Database Retrieval ...

Face analysis is a big challenging branch in computer vision and Biometric and there are several datasets related to the face and its challenges like age, orientation, skin color, illumination, pose, expressions, appearance, etc. So, researchers almost using different datasets related to the chal ...

MMI Facial Expression Database
The MMI Facial Expression Database is a popular facial expression dataset involved by Maja Pantic, Michel F. Valstar accessable here. The database consists of over 2900 videos and high-resolution still images of 75 subjects. It is fully annotated for the presence of AUs in videos (event codin ...

CK+ Dataset
The Cohn-Kanade AU-Coded Facial Expression Database is for research in automatic facial image analysis and synthesis and for perceptual studies. Cohn-Kanade is available in two versions and a third is in preparation.

RaFD, Radboud expressions face dataset
The Radboud Faces Database (RaFD) is a set of pictures of 67 models (including Caucasian males and females, Caucasian children, both boys and girls, and Moroccan Dutch males) displaying 8 emotional expressions. RaFD is a open access dataset can be found here.

Multi-PIE, multi-purpose face analysis dataset
The CMU Multi-PIE face database contains more than 750,000 images of 337 people. Subjects were imaged under 15 view points and 19 illumination in five expressions. 

Relative Conferences

65th International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA 2023)
The International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) is an excellent and premier forum comprising several scientific tracks organized by Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP). The 6th IPRIA conference will be held at the Faculty of Farabi, Unive ...

The 12th Iranian and the 2nd International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP 2022)
The 12th Iranian and the 2nd International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP) will be held in Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, with the cooperation of Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP) on 23 ...

5th International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) 2021
The International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) is an excellent and premier forum comprising several scientific tracks organized by Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP). The 5th IPRIA conference will be held at the Department of Electrical ...

ECCV 2020
The 2020 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020) is the top European conference in the image analysis area. This conference follows the tradition set by previous instances of the conference, with the most recent in Amsterdam (2016) and Munich (2018).     1 ...

CVPR 2021
CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers. CVPR 2021 will take place in Nashville, TN ...

4th International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA)
The International conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA) is an excellent and premier forum comprising several scientific tracks organized by Iranian Society of Machine Vision and Image Processing (ISMVIP). The 4th IPRIA conference will be held at the Department of Computer E ...

15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) – Munich, Germany Main Conference: September 10-13, 2018 Workshops: September 8, 9, 14 2018 Tutorials: September 8, 9, 14 2018   Demos: September 10-13 2018   Website: www.eccv2018.org  


Selected J. Publication   »

Mahdi Jampour and Malihe Javidi, Multiview Facial Expression Recognition, a Survey, IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2022
Mahdi Jampour, Mohammad Zare, and Malihe Javidi, Advanced Multi-GANs towards near to real Image and Video Colorization , Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2022
Amirhosein Zanganeh, Mahdi Jampour, Kamran Layeghi, IAUFD: A 100k images dataset for automatic football image/video analysis, IET Image Process., 2022
Malihe Javidi, Saeid Abbaasi, Sara Naybandi Atashi, Mahdi Jampour, Covid-19 Early Detection for Imbalanced or Low number of Data using a Regularized Cost-Sensitive CapsNet , Scientific Reports, 20211
Mahdi Jampour, Saeid Abbaasi and Malihe Javidi, CapsNet Regularization and its Conjugation with ResNet for Signature Identification, Pattern Recognition, 2021
Mahdi Jampour and Mohammad-Shahram Moin, A joint Mapping and Synthesis approach for Multiview Facial Expression Recognition , International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI), 2021
Mahdi Jampour, Amin Karimi, and Hossein Rezaei, An Autonomous Vision-based Shelf-reader Robot using Faster R-CNN , Industrial Robot, 2021
Malihe Javidi, Mahdi Jampour, A deep learning framework for Text-independent Writer Identification , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2020
مهدی جم پور، ملیحه جاویدی, یک معماری شبکه عصبی عمیق مشترک با ویژگی‌های صریح برای بازشناسی امضاء, مجله ماشین بینایی و پردازش تصویر ایران, 1399
Mahdi Jampour and Ali Naserasadi, Chaos Game Theory and its application for Offline Signature Identification, IET Biometrics, 2019
Mahdi Jampour, Mohammad-Shahram Moin, Lap-Fai Yu, Horst Bischof, Mapping Forests: a Comprehensive Approach for Non-linear Mapping Problems, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 2017
Mahdi Jampour, Chen Li, Lap-Fai Yu, Kun Zhou, Stephen Lin and Horst Bischof, Face Inpainting based on High-Level Facial Attributes, Computer vision and Image Understanding, 2017
Mahdi Jampour, Vincent Lepetit, Thomas Mauthner, Horst Bischof., Pose-Specific Non-Linear Mappings in Feature Space towards Multiview Facial Expression Recognition, Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier, 2016
Mahdi Jampour, Reza Ebrahimzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Adel Soleymani Nejad, Towards A Fast Method for IRIS Identification With Fractal and Chaos Game Theory, Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol 26(4) PP: 1256011-1, 2012
Mahdi Jampour, Mohammad M. Javidi, Adel Soleymani Nejad, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, A New Technique in saving Fingerprint with low volume by using Chaos Game and Fractal Theory, Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence. ISSN: 1989-1660. Vol. 1, Issue 3, pp.27-31, 2010
Mahdi Jampour, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Adel Soleimani, A New Fast Technique for Fingerprint Identification with Fractal and Chaos Game Theory, Fractals, World Scientific, Vol. 18, Issue 3, pp. 293-300, 2010
Selected Conf. Publication   »

Hussein Mohammed, Mahdi Jampour, From Detection to Modeling: An End-to-End Paleographic System for Analysing Historical Handwriting Styles, 16th IAPR International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems 2024, 2024
Mahdi Jampour, Hussein Adnan Mohammed, Jost Gippert, Enhancing the Readability of Palimpsests Using Generative Image Inpainting, 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 2024
Hussein Adnan Mohammed, Mahdi Jampour, Small Patterns Detection in Historical Digitised Manuscripts Using Very Few Annotated Examples, 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, 2024
Amirhosein Zanganeh, Ehsan Sharifi, Mahdi Jampour, Converge intra-class and Diverge inter-class features for CNN-based Event Detection in football videos, 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA), 2023
Mahdi Jampour, Amin Karimi Sardar, Facial Expression Recognition using Multi-Feature Concatenation of Local Face Components and Hierarchical SVM, 2021 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA), 2021
Mohammad Zare, Kimia Bazargan Lari, Mahdi Jampour, Pirooz Shamsinejad , Multi-GANs and its application for Pseudo-Coloring, 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA), 2019
Amirhosein Zanganeh, Mahdi Jampour , Automatic Weak Learners Selection for Pattern Recognition and its application in Soccer Goal Recognition, 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA), 2019
Mohammad Zare, Mahdi Jampour, Afsane Saee Arezoomand, Mohammad Sabouri , Handwritten Recognition based on Hand Gesture Recognition using Deterministic Finite Automata and Fuzzy Logic, 4th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA), 2019
Mahdi Jampour, Thomas Mauthner, and Horst Bischof, Pairwise linear regression: An efficient and fast multi-view facial expression recognition, Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2015 11th IEEE International Conference and Workshops on, 2015
Mahdi Jampour, Thomas Mauthner, and Horst Bischof, Multi-view Facial Expressions Recognition using Local Linear Regression of Sparse Codes, In Proc. Computer Vision Winter Workshop , 2015
Mohammad M. Javidi, Roghiyeh Hoseinpour Fard, Soheila Khatami, Mahdi Jampour, An Effective Adaptive Technique for Impulse Noise Detection and Reduction in Digital Images, Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 2011 11th International Conference on, 2011
Mohammad Zare, Mahdi Jampour, Issa Rashid Farrokhi, A Heuristic Method for Gray Images Pseudo Coloring with Histogram and RGB Layers, 3rd ICCSN, 2011
Mahdi Jampour, Mehdi Ziari, Reza Ebrahim Zadeh, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Impulse noise Detection and Reduction using Fuzzy logic and Median Heuristic Filter, ICNIT, 2010
Mahdi Jampour, Hamid Shojaei, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Compressing of Fingerprint Images by Means of Fractals Feature, 2nd ICMV, 2009
Mahdi Jampour, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Issa Rashidfarokhi, Compressing images using Fractal characteristics by estimating the nearest neighbor, 6th ITNG, 2009
Mahdi Jampour, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Fractal Image Compression using neighbor pixels (in Persian), 5th MVIP, 2008
Mahdi Jampour, Maryam Ashourzadeh, Mahdi Yaghoobi, Hybrid Solution using Genetic Algorithm and Heuristic Function for TSP (in Persian), 2nd ISFS, 2008

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